Steve’s Sizzling Steaks

Steve’s Sizzling Steaks

My Preconceived Notions

The steakhouse. What imagery does that setting create in the most complicated supercomputer we’ve ever known, the human brain? Honestly, I haven’t been to too many steakhouses in my day. Some experiences that come to mind are: my dad’s birthday at the local chain steakhouse (Not Outback, we can afford the finer things in life from time to time), an overpriced Ruth’s Chris steakhouse experience out in California where my manager offered to pay but the bill was higher than the per diem allowed (So we ended up having to spend money that we didn’t think we would have to when agreeing to go to a fucking Ruth’s Chris), and probably the most expensive meal I will ever have at a steakhouse within the Bellagio in Las Vegas. The last one is a story that can be told within itself, but that’s not what we’re here for today. What we’re here for today is Steve’s Sizzling Steaks in Carlstadt, New Jersey.

So, what does the thought of a steakhouse bring up in your head, valued reader? I see waiters who are usually wearing a dress shirt with a tucked in tie. I also imagine myself being in a dimly lit dining room with a background noise of clinking plates and drinking glasses and the muffled conversations of the dining parties. A wide variety of personas fill the bar, which is usually found closest to the entrance.  You have the couple  somewhere between their first to third date, when the guy still spends overzealously in order to impress his date (who he is SURE is “the one”). There are also the locals who could spend their liquor money at some corner dive bar; However, they’ve chosen to spend their time at the steakhouse, a respected establishment, where the loneliness and need for companionship can be satisfied by a hospitable barman or woman standing in front of a well lit back bar. Or you have the single who is staying close to home, and these stools feel cleaner than the Irish pub across the street. I don’t judge these personas, I just point them out for fun. 

And how about the most important part of the experience – the food? If my steak comes out somewhat cold, I’m starting litigation against the establishment for false advertising. I don’t care if it’s a mediocre steak (I will somewhat care), but the meat better be hot. As they bring that big steak knife out and set it next to the plate, all I can think about is the feeling I’ll have as I cut into a dinner that is sure to raise my cholesterol as well as my quality of life.  

What will Steve’s Sizzling Steaks hold for my meal tonight? Only time will tell. A steakhouse that’s been around since the 1930’s has fought its way through tough times, and that has to be respected at the very least. I hope the meal can be respected as well.

The Experience

Driving to the restaurant, I have no idea what to expect. All I was told was that this place is “a little dingy, but had good food.” The route  takes us on the opposite side of the highway, and I realize that “a little dingy” might be a crass way to describe the building but the descriptor wouldn’t be wrong in saying so. I find it welcoming and homey, not intimidating as some steakhouses can be due to the money you anticipate spending on your upcoming dinner. Usually a steakhouse is either attached to a hotel if it’s a corporate chain, or it’s in a strip mall where there is a large amount of space to park.

Pulling into the parking lot off the side of the highway, the first thing to catch my eye is the number of parked cars. A full parking lot is a good sign on  a Saturday night. Lifted trucks galore, we find a spot and stroll into the restaurant with the confidence that only comes with a pack of young men in their late 20’s heading to eat steak and drink alcohol. 

After talking to the hostess, we’re told there’s an hour wait for a table of five (another good sign in my book). Usually I don’t like to wait an hour if the hunger is really setting in, but getting some well spoken about sizzling steak is on my to do list. We file into the aforementioned bar area, which is shockingly not filled with first dates or lonely drinkers! Instead, we see parties awaiting their tables and speaking amongst themselves, while the bartenders pour drinks from their three draft options and a plethora of liquor. The atmosphere is  cabin-like. Maybe like a lounge? The first connection that pops into my head is that this is what a Longhorn Steakhouse is trying to emulate; a comfortable steak establishment that is not going to break your bank but also provide hospitality and good food for diners. As the hour trekked along, we got called for our table and tab out of the bar area.

The Feeding Corral (The Bar)

Let’s revisit what we think of when we imagine a steakhouse waiter. This is not the prim and proper, collared shirt tucked in employee. These ladies have a very aunt-like aura surrounding them. Aunts that didn’t take your shit, but also cared about the food you had in front of you. When I say they don’t take your shit, let me give you an example. When asked if we were ready to order, we hesitated and replied that more time was needed to look over appetizers. The simple reply of “ok” and walking away just showed that these waiters were busy and had to attend to the other tables in the dining area. I respect that of these ladies. There are no over the top pleasantries or obviously fake hospitality buzzwords. Smiles are  to be earned of this well seasoned staff. Be a good guest, and they will certainly be a good host. Never be an asshole in a busy restaurant. I don’t think too many assholes come to this place anyways. You’ll have to pay more to be an asshole.

Let’s skip right to the meal. I order the Cowboy Ribeye. The entree comes with a salad, house fries, and mushrooms. Plating and appearance of the meal as a whole is not of importance in the grand scheme of things. You get your steak, covered in fries (Not on the side) and the mushrooms underneath it all, bathing in steak juices. This is my type of meal; no frills and large portion sizes. As I cut into my first ever cowboy ribeye, the anticipation of the night of a whole is coming to a climax. At my first bite…yes, this is a steak. And the mushrooms add to the whole flavor profile. The french fries need no ketchup as the steak juices suffice for a pleasant condiment. Steak juices should come bottled and available for purchase in grocery stores world wide, if you ask me. Before I know it, my steak is dwindling down to the fattiest parts surrounding the bone.

I am no food critic, but what did I think of Steve’s Sizzling Steaks overall? Was the steak a little fatty? Sure. Could there have been a better sear on it as well? Yes, I would have liked that. But, did I enjoy my meal? Absolutely. I came as a hungry diner, and I got what I paid for; large portions and good hospitality that didn’t seem fake for a hefty tip.  While the cowboy ribeye did not blow my mind and become the leading culinary experience in my memories (That title goes to the time I mentioned in the beginning of this article at the Bellagio steakhouse), I would highly recommend this steakhouse to anyone in the area.

The Star of The Show

To me, this place seems like an establishment that probably has an amazing burger, and that is what I would come back for to try. I guess I will have to update this post the next time I decide to go to Steve’s Sizzling Steaks. To be continued.