And so it begins…

And so it begins…

Today marks the beginning of a new journey. The official start of!

If you’re reading this, there’s really only two explanations as to why:

  1. You are a friend or family member that wants to support my endeavors because you love me. I love you too and thank you!


  2. You are wondering, “Who the hell does this guy with maybe six months or so of professional experience in the food and beverage industry think he is creating a food blog?”

No matter your reasoning, I appreciate you being here and hope you will continue to visit as I take on this new adventure. Oh and I have a simple answer for all of you in group two. While I may not have the professional experience that some other food bloggers have, I do have one thing in common with each and every food blogger out there. I LOVE FOOD!

Beyond having a love for food, I am passionate about bringing my unique experiences to light and sharing them through my lens in hopes that you can maybe learn something, try a new dish or recipe, or just have a good laugh at my rather unorthodox writing style and vocabulary. Those who know me personally know that I don’t hold back, so you can expect some colorful language and brutal honesty throughout the process. You should also know that since this is my first time creating a blog, I’m fully expecting growing pains. Bear with me as I learn the ins and outs of blogging and writing all together.

So you’re probably wondering why Meal Mimicry and what kinda content I expect out of this whole thing? Here are a few of my ideas to start and we’ll see what y’all like and dislike as time goes on.

Meal Mimicry: Meal Mimicry will be the basis of my blog. In these posts, I will recount a recent dining experience where I’ll attempt to make it feel as though you were seated at my table, tasting the food, knocking back some drinks with me, and enjoying or hating the dishes I try. I will then follow up this meal by picking one of the menu items that I ordered and create a recipe that mimics it with an added personal touch. I will also share my recipe with you so you can try it out for yourself!

Food Tours: One of my other passions in life is traveling the world and experiencing other cultures. What better way to get to know a culture than through gastronomy? Museums? Overrated. Restaurants, food trucks, and dive bars? Oh yeah! Much more in my wheelhouse. These posts will leave you with a roadmap of must-try food and beverage establishments in cities across the world and my suggestions of their top menu items for when you get to visit.

Jersey Gems: I am proud New Jersey resident who takes immense pride in the culinary landscape of this melting pot state. Of the 25 states and DC that I’ve visited, New Jersey takes the cake when it comes to consistently having the best tasting food. This is largely due to the fact that Jersey is the most densely populated state in the country, meaning more people in a small space to produce high quality culinary experiences that represent the hundreds of different countries that New Jerseyans hail from.

Straight Up Recipes: Sometimes you’re not in the mood for a whole big long story or experience when you’re looking for a recipe, I get it. Don’t worry, even the Meal Mimicry posts will always have a “Jump to Recipe” button! The Straight Up Recipes posts will be exactly what it sounds like, just a recipe. No filler, no long-winded explanation of what you’re getting, just a bomb ass recipe for you to whip up and serve.

So now you know what you can expect and why I decided to start this in the first place! Keep on coming back for more and enjoy the ride with me.

– Dan